Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit



Board Specifications

  • Interfaces PCIe, SDI, QSFP, SFP+, USB
  • Expansion FMC
  • Memory DDR4, DDR3
  • Special Feature LCD
  • Versions Production

Supplemental Information

  • Description Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit delivers a complete design environment that includes all hardware and software you need to start taking advantage of the performance and capabilities available in Intel Arria 10 GX FPGAs for your design needs.
  • User Guide View now

Ordering and Compliance

Ordering and spec information

Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit (Production) DK-DEV-10AX115S-A

  • MM# 979983
  • Ordering Code DK-DEV-10AX115S-A
  • MDDS Content IDs 805244

Trade compliance information

  • ECCN EAR99
  • US HTS 8473301180

PCN Information

Drivers and Software

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Launch Date

The date the product was first introduced.

Logic Elements (LE)

Logic elements (LEs) are the smallest units of logic in Intel® FPGA architecture. LEs are compact and provide advanced features with efficient logic usage.

DSP Blocks

Each FPGA mounted on a programmable acceleration card contains digital signal processor (DSP) blocks within the FPGA architecture. DSPs are used to filter and compress real-world analog signals. The dedicated DSP blocks within the FPGA have been optimized to implement various common DSP functions with maximum performance and minimum logic resource utilization.