Backup-Unit PCIe-Slotblech AXXBBUBRKTP


  • Produktsammlung Intel® RAID-Backup (Akku/Flash)
  • Status Discontinued
  • Einführungsdatum Q3'14
  • Voraussichtliche Produkteinstellung Q1'19
  • EOL-Ankündigung Tuesday, February 12, 2019
  • Letzte Bestellung Tuesday, February 12, 2019
  • Letzte Empfangsattribute Tuesday, February 12, 2019
  • Enthaltene Komponenten (1) Bracket to support 1U systems: dual height bracket that supports two Intel® RAID Maintenance Free Backup AXXRMFBU5 packs (without original cage), and (1) bracket to support 2U systems: optional bracket to hold two RAID Maintenance Free Backup Units or Intel® RAID Smart Battery AXXRSBBU9 modules. Mounts on airduct. Note: Cannot be installed with full-size PCIe cards

Zusätzliche Informationen

  • Beschreibung Bracket kit to support RAID Maintenance Free Backup Units or Intel® RAID Smart Battery AXXRSBBU9 in a 1U or 2U system

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Voraussichtliche Produkteinstellung

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