Intel® RAID-Smart-Battery AXXRSBBU7


  • Produktsammlung Intel® RAID-Backup (Akku/Flash)
  • Status Discontinued
  • Einführungsdatum Q1'10
  • Voraussichtliche Produkteinstellung Q1'19
  • EOL-Ankündigung Monday, March 11, 2019
  • Letzte Bestellung Monday, March 11, 2019
  • Letzte Empfangsattribute Monday, March 11, 2019
  • Langer Produktlebenszyklus Nein
  • Zielmarkt Mainstream
  • Mainboard-Format Battery/RMFBU
  • Enthaltene Komponenten Kit includes remote mounting bracket and cables.

Zusätzliche Informationen

  • Beschreibung Optional RAID Smart battery back up for use with Intel 6G SAS RAID controllers. Includes components for remote mounting.

Kompatible Produkte

Intel® Integrated-RAID (Module/Systemboards)

Alle | Keine

Intel® RAID-Controller

Produktbezeichnung Status Mainboard-Format Unterstützte RAID-Stufe Anzahl der internen Ports Anzahl der externen Ports Embedded Speicher Sortierreihenfolge Vergleich
Alle | Keine
Intel® RAID Controller RS2BL040 Discontinued Low Profile MD2 Card 0, 1, 10, 5, 50, 6, 60 4 0 512MB 63166
Intel® RAID Controller RS2BL080 Discontinued Low Profile MD2 Card 0, 1, 10, 5, 50, 6, 60 8 0 512MB 63168
Intel® RAID Controller RS2MB044 Discontinued Low Profile MD2 Card 0, 1, 10, 5, 50, 6, 60 4 4 512MB 63173
Intel® RAID Controller RS2PI008 Discontinued Low Profile MD2 Card 0, 1, 10, 5, 50, 6, 60 0 8 512MB 63174
Intel® RAID Controller RS2PI008DE Discontinued Low Profile MD2 Card 0, 1, 10, 5, 50, 6, 60 0 8 512MB 63175
Intel® RAID Controller RS2SG244 Discontinued Full Height 1/2 Length PCIe Card 0, 1, 10, 5, 50, 6, 60 24 4 512MB 63176
Intel® RAID Controller RS2WG160 Discontinued Full Height 1/2 Length PCIe Card 0, 1, 10, 5, 50, 6, 60 16 0 512MB 63181
Intel® RAID Controller RT3WB080 Discontinued Low Profile MD2 Card 0, 1, 10, 5, 50, 6, 60 8 0 256MB 63183

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Voraussichtliche Produkteinstellung

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